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Answer To Your Burning Question - Should Windows in Calgary Protect against Winter Heat Loss or the Summer Sun

Should Windows in Calgary Protect against Winter Heat Loss or the Summer Sun

Royal View Windows, Doors & Exteriors in Calgary install energy-efficient windows that qualify for the Alberta Energy Rebate. One of the questions we frequently encounter regarding Calgary home windows (Casement windows, European windows, Egress windows, etc) is should windows in Calgary protect against winter heat loss or the summer sun. The energy-efficient windows that we install can do both. But, there are some details to consider in regard to window heat loss in Calgary including the local temperatures.

Winter Heat Loss versus Summer Heat Gain in Calgary

According to the CurrentResults.com website, on the average, Calgary has 164 days a year when the temperature falls below -2 degrees Celsius, 71 days in which the temperature drops below -10 degrees Celsius, and 22 days when the temperature falls below -20 degrees Celsius. By comparison, these folks note that the number of days in Calgary when the temperature goes above 20 degrees Celsius is 87 and the average number of times a year when the temperature rises above 30 degrees Celsius is just 5.


The clear lesson from these numbers (which you know from living in Calgary) is that cold days are a bigger factor than hot days for window heat loss in Calgary. So, it is more important to protect your home against winter heat loss than the summer sun. That having been said, the energy-efficient windows that we install at RVW Ltd. protect your home against both winter heat loss and the summer sun. That cannot be said for all methods.

The Drawbacks of Window Films in Calgary

Window films are commonly used to block visible and infrared light from the summer sun from entering your home. They can be very useful in climates with lots of hot days and direct sunlight. However, the same film that keeps the summer sun from entering your home will keep the winter sun from warming your South-facing rooms in the winter. Although these films may reduce light and heat radiation out of your home during the winter, they do nothing to block direct heat transfer through the glass. These products are not the best choices for window heat loss in Calgary. Thus, your better choices for keeping the heat in and the cold out for a Calgary home are energy-efficient Alberta rebate windows of the kinds with high R values that qualify for the Alberta Energy Rebate.

Energy-Efficient Windows Protect Your Calgary Home In Winter and Summer

The kinds of energy-efficient windows that we install at Royal View Windows & Exteriors have two and even three panes of glass with air spaces in between the panes. The “dead space” between the panes acts as an insulator by keeping heat from the inside (or outside) from conducting directly through the glass. The heat conduction does not progress through the air space or spaces! However, proper Calgary window installation and window maintenance in Calgary are both important.


If you start seeing condensation building up between the panes of glass, the seals are damaged or the windows were not properly installed. When you go to the trouble of upgrading and energy-proofing your home with high-R-value windows, come to the pros at Royal View Windows & Exteriors to get the job done right.


When you need to fix your windows in Calgary, glass replacement is also a service that we offer. For example, we can replace cracked window panes or simply repair the seals when condensation occurs between the window panes.


An important thing to remember is that you can lose all of the benefits of an energy-efficient window in Calgary if the air is leaking around the window frame. Professional window maintenance in Calgary can be as important as your choice of window.


For help choosing the best energy-efficient windows in Calgary, contact us at Royal View Windows & Exteriors today.